
The Definitive Guide for Practitioners and Students
Editor: Robert Liljenwall
272 pages first published in 2001
Revised third edition
ISBN-13: 9780970709929
POPAI, The Global Association for Marketing at-Retail, being the association responsible for promoting and monitoring the point-of-purchase advertising industry, presents the third edition of an outstanding guide for all professionals who wish to know all about the different aspects of the Marketing at-Retail industry. Through the contributions of several well-known authors who deal with topics like production methods, sales, purchasing and others readers will get a better understanding of its medium and a clearer perspective of its evolution.
Enclosed with this book the reader will find a CD with a glossary of more than 4,000 terms.

purchase it at the POPAI Portugal's chapter: http://www.popai.pt/
our stock in Portugal: 2 copies or less @ EUR 50,00 + shipping ; BUY
Transforming Professional and Personal Life
by Rosamund Stone Zander e Benjamin Zander
Penguin Books
209 pages first published by Harvard Business School Press in 2000; published in Penguin Books 2002
ISBN 978-0-14-200110-3
This book brings together the authors' different though deeply connected experience and skills. Rosamund Zander, an executive coach, and Benjammin Zander, the conductor of the Boston Philharmonic, make the best of their roles in life to allow the reader understand the infinite art of possibility. You will be introduced to a set of practices which will provide an invaluable opportunity for personal evolution and enhance your leadership skills.
publisher price = GBP £ 8.99; purchase it at our Amazon.co.uk store: http://astore.amazon.co.uk/execeducbiz-21/detail/023057792Xs; stock in Portugal:5 copies or less @ EUR 13,50 + shipping ; BUY